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Of course people have noticed.

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Q: Has anyone noticed that Saturday morning cartoons aren't what they used to be?
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Can you watch cartoons as an adult?

Cartoons can be viewed by anyone and at any age .

Do anyone knows the exact history of Cartoons?

first of all it's " does anyone know the exact history of cartoons" , and second no one that i know of

Does have wings?

Not that anyone has noticed.

What are the differences between people who watch cartoons and people who don't watch them?

There was a time when we might have said that cartoons are for children, but in recent decades we have had a number of very successful adult oriented cartoons, of which "The Simpsons" is the best known and longest running. Practically anyone can find some cartoon that is to their taste. However, some people are too busy to watch cartoons, or too impoverished to own a television, or are otherwise incapacitated. People in a coma do not watch cartoons.

Does rabbits have wings?

Not that anyone has noticed.

I heard on a program or film this quote Don't let the Bastards Grind You Down can anyone tell me where from as it is really bugging me?

"Porridge" (1974) "Saturday Night and Sunday Morning" (1960)

Why would people think that it is immature for people over 18 to watch only cartoons?

They think that watching cartoons is like playing with toys, it's not, watching only cartoons is pretty normal for anyone of any age. So don't let anyone stop you if you love them.

Why do people think it's weird for male and female university students to watch cartoons?

it is not wierd. But dont tell anyone you are watching it. i watch cartoons and im 20!

Anyone know the name of the Saturday morning tv show from the early to mid 90's featuring 3 teenagers in space that had robotic suits that was LIKE power rangers but was a different show?

VR Troopers

We have had no land line since Saturday,3/7. Is there anyone out there that can help us. Have noticed trucks in the area, and still no service. Help A.Stuben?

It is not good to be without phone service for so long. Check and see if they know your line is out and if you can get a credit on your bill.

Can you list in point form what the disadvantages of watching cartoons as an adult are?

There is no disadvantage to watching cartoons as an adult. im 20 years old and still what Anime and old cartoons from my child hood. There is nothing wrong with that and don't let anyone else tell you different.

Is it wrong to watch Atomic Betty over the age of 20?

No, anyone can watch cartoons at any age