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Q: How can goku turn into ssj3 on dbz sagas MUGEN?
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Is adult ssj3 Goku stronger then ssj3 gt kid Goku?

Depends, if you are talking about Adult SSJ3 Goku from the Buu Saga or if you are talking about Adult SSJ3 Goku from DBGT. SSJ1 Kid Goku is already stronger than SSJ3 DBZ goku. Goku got a lot stronger during his training after buu, and his training during the gap between Z and GT. So SSJ3 Kid Goku is about 10 times stronger than SSJ3 Goku in DBZ. Now Adult Goku in GT in his base form was slightly above Uub, who it turn was stronger than SSJ3 kid Goku from GT. So Adult GT SSJ3 GOku is probably 20 times stronger than SSJ3 Kid goku and 200 times stronger than DBZ SSJ3 Goku. I'm confused

When Does Goku turn ssj3 in dbgt?

Episode 230 Super Saiyan 3?!

Can vegeta go ssj3 in dbz?

He dosent turn ssj 3 in the series. goku turn ssj3 because he was dead. goku could only turn ssj3 when he was dead, so he lost his time on earth when he was dead on the series. gohan get his potential (mystic/ultimate gohan) and he don't turn ssj, but in gt he is only ssj1,so he doesent turn ssj3.

When Dragonball Gt episode does goku turn ssj4?

i think it was after goku came back with his tail and turn ssj3 when he revert back to his old state goku look at the earth and become a golden great ape in episode 30. GOKU TURNED SSJ4 IN EPISODE 35, SHORTLY AFTER HE WAS A GREAT APE.

Who can turn super saiyan 3?

Goku is the person that can turn SSJ3. In fact he is the only person that can turn SSJ3 in dragon ball z. Gotenks can also transform into SSJ3 but i dont know if u can really include fuzed characters, and more recently in the raging blast games vegeta, and Broly can also but they never did in the anime, Although it is kind of logical seeing how Vegeta can go SSJ4 and Broly is the "Legendary Super Saiyan". So can vegeta and broly

What episode does vegeta turn ssj3?


How did Goku turn ssj3?

Goku was turned back into a child when Emperor Pilaf gathered the black star dragon balls. He was annoyed when Goku showed up and accidentally wished for him to be a child again.

Who is stronger gohan or Goku?

Gohan is way stronger. he defeated cell when he was a child and goku couldn't as an adult. after losing to cell Goku even admits that Gohan is stronger than he is. it is not about who can turn into level 2 or 3 super saiyan it is about who is the strongest. that's what the ? asks. Who is stronger. in this category Gohan clearly wins.

Can vegeta turn into super saiyan 3?

no, he never turned ssj3 in the series BUT in dbz raging blast game he turned ssj3 in wat if saga (its not just vegeta turned ssj3 in raging blast BROLY turned ssj3 too ) =D

Does Goku turn ssj10?

No Goku does not turn SSJ 10 nor do any other characters, the max is SSJ 4 which only Goku and Vegeta reach.

When does goku turn super saiyan god?

after goku summon shenron

Can Goku turn into a dragon?
