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you have to have the real one and see if its fake or not

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Q: How can you tell a fake card from a real card?
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How can you tell a fake Pokemon card from areal one?

if it's fake it's all shiny if its real its not

How do you tell if a yu-gi-oh card is fake?

you can tell if a yu gi oh card is fake if it is 1st edition and silver sticker in the bottem right hand corner but if it is gold sticker and first edition it is real and if you turn it other side and feel it if it is rough its fake if it is smooth it is real and if the words are a bit to fat it is most likely fake. ;)

Is a card real or not?


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It is not easy to tell the differences between real and fake purses. The way to tell the difference is to look on Coach website and see pictures of real and fake comparisons.

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It is a fake card, there is no real card of that name.

What are some examples of card machines?

A cash register often contains a credit card slider. ATM machines also are card machines. Playing card machines exist to tell "real" from "fake" cards.

How do you tell if a yu-gi oh caard is real or not?

You look at the bottom right-hand corner of the card, and if there is a silver or gold square there, then it is real, and if it's not then it's fake.

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How do you tell if exodia the dark master is fake?

If you have a card called "Exodia the Dark Master", then it is a fake. There is no authentic card with that name.

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It They have a zip their fake

How do you know if winged dragon of Ra is real?

You can tell if a card is a fake by looking to see if it has the same type of print in the name or description. Fake cards also don't have the shiny silver or gold square in the bottom right corner of the card.

How can you tell if a g shock is real or fake?

you can not