Criss Angel's father's name was John Sarantakos. Sarantakos is Criss' real last name.
criss angels fathers name is john sarantakos and criss angels name is christopher nicholas sarantakos
His father died of stomach cancer.
his father died at the age of 60 in 1998 from stomach cancer
criss angels fave number is 13 its his lucky number
criss angels mom and dad were born in Greece criss angels mom and dad were born in Greece
a 'c' with an 'a' inside of it
Criss Angel's Bar is named Liquidity, it is located in the south luxor.
criss angels fave number is 13 its his lucky number
Criss Angel is Greek
criss angel is not dead.
Question: What Is Criss Angels Favorite Sport? Answer: Go-Cart
criss angels mom and dad were born in Greece criss angels mom and dad were born in Greece
Criss angels first job was his show Criss Angel Mindfreak I'm not certain but i think it was working at a bar doing magic.
Criss Angels favorite number is 13
Criss Angel lives in his home, Serenity, in Las Vegas.
criss angels's favorite food is pizza and steak.
Criss Angel as himself or angeldust which broke up
a 'c' with an 'a' inside of it