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Q: How did Spider-Man 2099 get his powers?
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What is Spider-Man's future costume called?

Spiderman 2099

What are the names of Spider-Man's suits in Spider-Man Web of Shadows?

spiderman original/symbiote, spider armor, spider carnage cosmic spiderman spiderman 2099 ,silver spider

What types of Spider-Man are there?

There is spiderman 2099, spiderman noir, Captain Universe (spiderman), spiderman when he wore a fantastic four costume, symbiote spiderman, spider-carnage, armour spiderman, man-spider, spiderman 2211, spiderman with ock's machine arms, amazing spiderman, scarlett spider, spiderman unlimited, ben reilly and peter Parker. Courtesy of your friendly neighbourhood spiderman ;)

What is the third dimension in Spider-Man shattered dimensions?

Spiderman 2099. The coolest-looking spidey ever. And latino.

What virtues does Spider-Man represent?

Spiderman's costumeb represents the super powers he was granted after being bitten by a spider. Also the costume represents his separate identity when he is using his super powers.

What is the name of the future Spider-Man in Spider-Man Edge of Time?

From what I was able to find, his name is Spiderman 2099. Very creative. I just call him 99

Can spiderman beat batman?

Batman can beat spiderman because of his utility belt. Spiderman has no real powers but neither does Batman. Spiderman can run out of webs and he would have nothing or Batman could break his machine.

What were 5 central powers?

flash, superman, batman, spiderman, green lantern

Can anyone get powers of Spider-Man?

No. Spiderman is a fantasy story, not a real person.

What is Spider-Man 2099 name?

Spider-Man 2099's real name is Miguel O'Hara. He is a futuristic version of the original Spider-Man set in the year 2099. Miguel gains his powers through a genetic experiment and takes on the mantle of Spider-Man to fight crime in the future.

Why is Spider Man a hero?

Spiderman is a hero because he uses his powers for good instead of evil.

What does the 2099 mean in comics for example spider man 2099?

2099 is the year they live in.