Actually, he didn't lose his finger in the series. It was an accident. :( The actor is actually missing a finger. It's pretty impressive, though, how they 'hide' it from the camera. Next time you watch the original series, watch his hand. It's always curled so that you can't see his missing finger.
Montgomery Edward Scott. ;) Nickname: Scotty.
Put your pinkie and ring finger together. Next put your middle finger and index finger together. Hold your thumb against the side of your hand. Live long and prosper! Hope that helps!
The character was Scottish, yes. The Next-Generationepisode "Relics" established that Montgomery Scott (a.k.a. "Scotty") was born in Scotland in 2222. The original series episode "Wolf in the Fold" established that he spent much of his youth in Aberdeen.Actor James Doohan, who played Scotty, was of Scottish descent but was born in Vancouver, British Columbia.
A collectible Star Trek plate can cost any price. The price depends on the person selling it. Therefore the price can not be pinpointed to an exact price number.
STar warS The old Republic is the middle east, any questions?
Montgomery Edward Scott. ;) Nickname: Scotty.
Next Gen.
Beam me up Scotty!
Jazdia Dax. She was a Trill.
5 years
Matt freeman and Kai mundy:d
scotty scotty
Mr. Spock is from the planet Vulcan
If you are asking "Ms", meaning his mother... that would be Earth.
Scotty .