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I don't think it's possible to become voldemort, if you have seen the movie or read the books you would know that he is dead.

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There is no cheat code for ths. You will only become Voldemort after you finish the game 100%.

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Harry is experiencing life after death, although he returns to life. Evidently the creature is Lord Voldemort. This is confirmed by Harry when he tells Lord Voldemort that he should repent, and that Harry saw what would become of him. Remember that Voldemort went "beyond ordinary evil" and that his soul was severly damaged by his fooling around with horcruxes.

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He made an old potion that allowed him to be re-born.

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To test if he's become dark.

Why does Voldemort have no nose or eyebrows or hair?

He has no nose or eyebrows because he is not yet a complete person. Due to splitting his soul into so many horcruxes, he has become disfigured. Actually, Voldemort has a nose. It's just flat.

Who delivered the death blow to Severus Snape?

Voldemort, obsessed with becoming the master of the Elder Wand, ordered Nagini, his serpent, to kill Snape who he (Voldemort) thought was the master of the wand. Because the Elder Wand gives his allegiance to the one who killed its master, Voldemort thought he had to kill Snape to become the true master.