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I'd try to find a silver circlet, bow and arrows, and some clothing that is brown and a camo shirt

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Q: How do you act and dress like Zoe nightshade off of The Titans Curse?
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What does Zoe nightshade look like?

she is described in the titans curse in percys dream that she had long brown hair. that's all i know.

What does Zoë Nightshade from the Titans Curse look like?

caramel colored skin long brown hair and slightly upturned nose shehas a curculet of sliver like a Persian princess

How is Nico like in titans curse?

Nico is the son of a titan or god, just read the book I hafta do a Reading Response about The Titans Curse and plus the stories ok I'm just searching about the last 4 chapters for my ______ because I can't think of anything.

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I think that maybe something like " Kronos' revenge" would also suit the book, but the titans curse is better in my opinion

What does deadly nightshade taste like?

Surprisingly, deadly nightshade berries are juicy and quite sweet.

What are 5 character traits for Luke in The Titans Curse?

Charming, Mysterious, Loyal (all of which are in the first book otherwise HE IS SO NOT LIKE THAT IN THE OTHER BOOKS except when he saves EVERYONE in THE LAST OLYMPIAN)

What does deadly night shade look like?

This is what a deadly nightshade looks like:

How can titans annoy gods?

Well, the gods actually overthrew the titans. They then locked up the titans in various places. Basically, the titans were like gods before the gods.

What are spells from spellbound on Teen Titans?

I think the curse that put the dragon in the book is something like this. Note that sometimes it's hard to tell what they're saying and the spellings are a guess. aljeron enlenthranal vosolomirus nor hope this helps

When was Sleeps Like a Curse created?

Sleeps Like a Curse was created on 2005-08-08.

Who was angry at Zeus for locking the titans in tartarus?

The Titans because they didn't like to be locked up.

How do Uganda people dress?

they dress like Indian people they dress like Indian people they dress like Indian people