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If you complete two Esaphogor quests, he will give you the answer to a brain tree quest.

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Q: How do you beat the quest with the brain tree on neopets?
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What do you get if you complete the brain trees quest on neopets?

You will be able to get the Brain Tree as a Battledome Challenger in Neopets. You may also get an item from the Brain Tree and/or a small amount of Neopoints.

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This must be a Brain Tree quest. Do the Esophagor quest 2 times (first time gives you when and second where the neopet died). Do the quest after you have accepted the Brain Tree quest. That should give you the answer. All of the neopets the Brain Tree asks about are all in his head.

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This must be a Brain Tree quest. Do the esophagor quest 2 times (first time gives you when and second where the neopet died). Do the quest after you have accepted the Brain Tree quest. That should give you the answer.

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This must be a Brain Tree quest. Do the esophagor quest 2 times (first time gives you when and second where the neopet died). Do the quest after you have accepted the Brain Tree quest. That should give you the answer.

Who is Esophagor?

He is the monster on Neopets where he ask you to do a quest, then if you complete it, he will tell you one of the two answers of the brain Tree"s quest.

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Kevin Aisha is the name of a character used for a Brain Tree Quest on Neopets.

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This must be a Brain Tree quest. Do the esophagor quest 2 times (first time gives you when and second where the neopet died). Do the quest after you have accepted the Brain Tree quest. That should give you the answer. All of the neopets the Brain Tree asks about are all in his head.

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If this is for a Brain Tree quest, then the only way to find the answer is to feed the Esophagor. Neopets generates random answers for the Brain Tree's quests, so it is not possible to find a list of answers.

What is a website that tells the answers on Neopets brain tree quests?

No website-go to the esophagor and complete a quest.

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On Neopets, you can only get the answer to the Brain Tree Questions by finishing the Esophagor quest twice, once for when and once for where. There is no other way to get the answer. -panquequeswithsyrup

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If you're looking for the answer to the Brain Tree's quest, then you won't be able to get an answer from here. The answers to the Brain Tree's quest are randomly generated and the only way to get the answers is by completing two Esophagor quests.

When did Sophie korbat die on neopets?

This must be a Brain Tree quest. Do the esophagor quest 2 times (first time gives you when and second where the neopet died). Do the quest after you have accepted the Brain Tree quest. That should give you the answer. All of the neopets the Brain Tree asks about are all in his head.