Well, if you're not naturally blessed then there isn't a whole lot you can do but I have some ideas that will help; * Physically, a good body helps (having some muscles - not a bodybuilder type but just some will suffice), an overweight or very skinny (like a sack of bones) is not handsome in a man. A good upright posture helps, no slouching. * Facially, exfoliate and use moisteriser. I find it goes a long way along with good sleeping patterns. * Go for a good hairstyle that complements you. Longer hair works well on some guys not so much on others. Short hair and stubble works good with some. Go for what's right for you an not just follow a trend. * Dressing well (doesn't have to be designer stuff - but so long as it suits you)also helps along with keeping your personal hygiene in check. * Confidence is perhaps one of the best traits in feeling better about oneself.
very handsome
Handsome means good-looking, but is mainly used with reference to a man or boy.
YOUR moms dad? why
If you admire someone, then you just do. You can't make yourself do it.
He is not handsome.
very handsome
yes plies is a handsome man
ademi jigit (handsome young man), ademi erkek (handsome man)
Handsome man in Russian is красивый мужчина (krasivyy muzhchina).
Extremely. Possibly the most handsome man in the world.
"You are a handsome man!" in English means Sei un bell'uomo! in Italian.
ademi jigit (handsome young man), ademi erkek (handsome man)
The most handSome man in Ghana is, JJ RAWLINGS FORMAR PRESIDENT OF GHANA
Big Bad Handsome Man was created on 2009-04-13.
Es (you are) vir pulcher (a handsome man, literally a man handsome). Es vir pulcher.
handsome man = gévehr yaféh (גבר יפה)what a handsome man = eizeh gévehr yaféh (איזה גבר יפה)