level up kirlia to level 30 or use a dawn stone on a male kirlia to get a galade
Sorry to bust your chops but it does not work like that. Actually, You gotta give a Male Kirlia a Dawn Stone and it'll evolve to Gallade.
you can't catch a wild gallade , only by evolving a male gardivoir
Catch a Kirlia (or evolve Ralts) and give it a Dawn Stone. It also has to be a girl Kirlia to work.
catch ralts and train him to an kirlia and give him an dawn stone(Kirlia must be an boy)
Ralts Evolves At Level 20 And Kirlia Evolves At Level 30 And A Male Kirlia Evolves Into Galade With A Dawn Stone.
evolve a male kirlia
get a male and give it a dawn stone
When Kirlia reaches Lv. 30. Its very quickly!
what is kerila???????????????????????????????????what is surtain?????????????????????????????kirlia evolves to gardevoir on level 30 i think.it evolves to galade only if it is a male. if kirlia is a male it will evolve to gardevoir or galade it is your choice.to evolve it to galade use a dawn stone on it at any time you want*. *as long as it is not a gardevoir.
You'll need to evolve male Kirlia with a Dawn Stone.
Kirlia does not need a stone to evolve into Gardivoir, but it does evolve into Gardevoir at level 30, Hope that helps! wow! but..um...on what game? i have a kirlia and a ralts on Pokemon darkness and i want kirlia to evolve into gardevoir and its a girl.
Catch a Kirlia in the North of route 212 and evolve it.
Ralts > lvl 20 > Kirlia > lvl 30 > GardevoirRalts > lvl 20 > Kirlia [Male] > Dawn Stone > Gallade
Gardevoir doesn't evolve to gallade only kirlia does via the dawn stone only if its a male kirlia.
In order to get a Gallade you must capture a MALE Ralts and level it up to level 20. It will then evolve into Kirlia. Use a Dawn Stone on the Kirlia and you it will evolve into a Gallade.
It evoves a male kirlia into galade and a female snorunt into a froslass.
kirlia to galade and girl snorunt to frosslass kirlia to galade and girl snorunt to frosslass