You do need the national pokedex for the Pokemon modifier. the Pokemon modifier uses the national pokedex numbes. you can not use the sinno pokedex.
You haft to catch all the Pokemon species or if you have action replay you can use the cheat "Pokedex 100% Complete" Hope this helped
Bulbasaur is #1 in the national pokedex, and it is a Grass-Poison type Pokemon.
Budew is #406 in the national pokedex, and it is a Grass-Poison type Pokemon.
Barboach is #339 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water-Ground type Pokemon.
You need to get 100 pokemon then go and talk to professor Birch and he will upgrade your pokedex.
no there is not pokemon_1996_master: what is that cheat? can anyone tell me about the 100 percent pokedex cheat for Pokemon diamond?
It is a Chatot in the Sinnoh Pokedex and an Exeggcute in the National Pokedex. If you have an Action Replay, you can get the cheat code that has 100% complete Pokedex and it will fill your whole Pokedex. Hope I helped!!!
Voltorb is #100 in the national pokedex, and it is an Electric type Pokemon.
Get an Action Replay and select 100% Pokemon on pokedex.
look at the pokemon's number on the pokedex using the pokedex 100% complete cheat.
#114 in Pokemon pearls Sinnoh pokedex in Unown. But in the National pokedex it is Tangela.
You do need the national pokedex for the Pokemon modifier. the Pokemon modifier uses the national pokedex numbes. you can not use the sinno pokedex.
That pokemon is Azumarill in pokemon platinum in the national pokedex