The only non-cheating way to get legendary Pokemon Celebi in Diamond is through an Event. You can also trade it from other Pokemon games by local trading or the GTS. You can migrate your Pokemon from the GBA Pokemon games as well, but you will have to recatch it from the Pokepark.
If you have a Game Shark or Action Replay that works with your old game system, you can get a Celebi by cheating and entering a code to get one.
Other facts about Celebi:
Celebi is #251 in the National Pokedex. It's type is Psychic-Grass. It is weak to Bug moves especially, but also Flying, Poison, Ghost, Fire, Ice, and Dark. It is immune to nothing, but it is resistant to Fighting, Ground, Water, Grass, Electric, and Psychic moves.ftrnbgbv v
go to the room in the solaceon ruins where the 4 pokeballs are read the thing on the wall twice then kill 100 unknows works all the time in pearl and platinum but sometimes in diamond if it doesn't work try 24 hours later and celibi will be there at lv.63 sorry for mispellings HOPE THIS HELPSYou can get Celebi at any Pokemon Event when it is avalible. Go to Mystery Gift on the main menu and go to VIA Wireless. It will respond, "Time to travel with CELEBI!" Answer yes and you'll get a card. Next, go to any PokeMart and talk to the delivery person. He will give you a Lv. 50 CELEBI. It will know Leaf Storm, Recover, Nasty Plot, and Healing Wish. It will come out of a Cherrish Ball. Repeat the directions in the first 5 sentences and you can have as many Celebi as you like. Have fun, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver players!
ok here is the real way how to get celebi in diamond no action replay needed!!! you will get a lv. 10 celebi just follow these instructions read throughly before attemptimg to do this
after countless hours playing diamond i soon went to my computer and found a glitch on how to get celebi no action replay needed:)
here are the steps and requirements to get your lv. 10 celebi:
first get at least 251-400 Pokemon caught in your pokedex and catch rotom
then talk 2 prof. rowan.
he will have supposebly "visitors" and he will ask u 2 leave and come back later
next go to the ds's calander and set the date to 1 day later
now turn it back on and go to rowans lab he will have tons of packages and he will say things about a green guardian of a forest (aka celebi) he will soon start talking about a vacation leave his lab save and turn the ds off and set the date to 1 day later
turn it back on and he will not B there so talk to dawn and she will say "professor rowan has left on vacation ................................................................ oh yeah!!!! he told me to give you this " then she will give you a gs ball(it will be in the key items)
finally the best part............ CATCHING CELEBI<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
ok first go to erneta city go to the gym and they will tell you the leader isn't there next go to where you caught rotom you will notice that the gym leader will be outside and she will be looking around rapidly once she sees you she will say yhat she fears the old chateu (sorry because of the spelling) has been bunt down you will hear a noise and this noise will be celebi's
PS:this is not where you battle it so don't get scared if you didn't see it
ok the final part battling celebi fly to celestial town and go to Cynthia's grandmother and talk to her she will say something with celebi, you give her the gs ball, and she kicks you out (not really) go back in the house and she will gve you the gs ball back but now it will be a master ball!! now go to the shrine in the middle of the town and when you pressA you will fall back and celebi will appear in front of you.
the only way is to cheatYou Cant catch celebi unless u migrate it or u can use action replay or u might be lucky to get it off gts that's what i did
A Celebi is not one of the original 150 on the Pokedex so to get it you must complete the Pokedex in Pokemon Diamond. Then you will get a National Pokedex and be able to migrate your Pokemon from other Pokemon games not just Pearl for your Diamond game and get a Celebi. But all in all you cannot catch a Celebi until you have finished your Sinnoh Pokedex.
go to the unknown place and yo must have battled atleast 100 unknown and then go down the the stairs the place with 4 poke balls in and the next Pokemon you should battle is celebi
Well I have Pokemon Pearl not Diamond but they are pretty much the same. Any way, the only ledgendarys you can catch on Pokemon diamond and pearl are, on pearl its palkia and diamond its dialga. You catch dialga pretty close to the end of the game a little before you battle the Pokemon leuage and a little after you battle the eight gym leader.
you can also caathc uxie mespirit and azelf also cressila heatram and a few more.
The legendary forest Pokemon would most likely be Celebi. As well as being the time-travelling Pokemon, Celebi is also a protector of the forest - most notably Ilex Forest (in Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal). No other legendary Pokemon is linked to any forest in such a way, so Celebi would have to be it.
The Pokemon species Celebi first appeared in the video games Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver. They were created by Ken Sugimori. Celebi are green and have a fairy-like appearance.
Silver is the rival in the games Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver.
You can get Chikorita in Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal, and Emerald.
no but you can get it in crystal,gold,silver,heartgold and soulsilver
Celebi does not appear in the gold or silver games, however he does appear in Pokemon crystal.
Pokemon Gold Silver Crystal Sapphire Ruby FireRed LeafGreen Emerald Diamond Pearl But there is no real way to get Celebi without cheating
where do you get celibi in soul silver
Well, you can only get Celebi in events.But Celebi is in any Pokemon game that includes 2nd Generation Pokemon.So like Firered, Leafgreen, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Soulsilver, Heartgold, & possibly the new games that are yet to come out.
Celebi is an event pokemon, in Gold and Silver (including their remakes) You need the GS ball for the original Gold and Silver to find it. In the Heart Gold and Soul Silver, you need a Pikachu coloured Pichu (not shiny)
cuz they think Pokemon silver and gold are better than Pokemon crystal.
Gold / Silver / Crystal
It is an event
The legendary forest Pokemon would most likely be Celebi. As well as being the time-travelling Pokemon, Celebi is also a protector of the forest - most notably Ilex Forest (in Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal). No other legendary Pokemon is linked to any forest in such a way, so Celebi would have to be it.
The Pokemon species Celebi first appeared in the video games Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver. They were created by Ken Sugimori. Celebi are green and have a fairy-like appearance.
You can't get Dark Lugia in Pokemon Silver, Gold, or Crystal. You can get Dark Lugia in Pokemon XD though. For Pokemon Silver, Gold, and Crystal it is just the regular Lugia.
By trading one from gold/silver and cloning it Dani (the girl Pokemon trainer on Pokemon crystal version) By trading one from gold/silver and cloning it Dani (the girl Pokemon trainer on Pokemon crystal version)