i don't think u can... but i would try putting the flower on shaymin in platiam and just trade it
You can only send Deoxys, Shaymin, Manaphy and Heatran, that are found in quests given by Wi-Fi.
Shaymin doesn't actually evolve. Rather, it has two different forms which can be used by having it hold a specific item.
in Pokemon soul silver you will find it (it is not in the grass)
Of course soul silver is better. With thepokewalker it's a way to get a variety of pokemon. Also there kanto
You can't change Shaymin into Sky Form in Pokemon Diamond (that includes pearl). You can only change Shaymin into Sky Form in Pokemon Platinum (that includes Heart Gold and Soul Silver). You can get the Gracidea to change Shaymin into Sky Form.
Shaymin cannot be found in Soul Silver.
Shaymin sky form is only in Pokemon heart gold,soul silver, and Pokemon platinum by showing the flower shop lady a shaymin.
The only way to obtain a Shaymin is to have someone trade it to you.
you cant. you can only evolve it in Pokemon platinum, or by action replay in diamond or pearl
To get it you have to go to a special Pokemon distribution event
Shaymin is event-only, so you can't get it in Soul Silver unless you trade it from another game.
yes but giratina, shaymin and rottom special forms will not appear
You can't catch Shaymin in Heart Gold or Soul Silver; it's an event Pokemon from Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. You have to transfer Shaymin from those games to have it.
You can't find Shaymin directly in Heart Gold, you'll have to trade your Shayim from Pearl/Diamond/Platinum onto your Heart Gold/Soul Silver.
transfer it from diamond or pearl
in soul silver and hart gold go to goldernrod city go to the flower shop and have shaymin as your lead Pokemon and walk trough so shaymin apears out of the pokeball and the first person tells you it so cute it shaymin and then he gives you the gracidea flower then you can change it into sky form. from Little B