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You cant get that exact one but you can get him in a dungeon. That dungeon is wish cave 1F-3F

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Q: How do you get bellsprout in Pokemon square in red rescue team?
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walk into Pokemon square. if bellsprout says a Pokemon is coming a Pokemon will come and faint.and since your a rescue team you and your partner handle it. then for that rescue you get a clear feather. then sit back and watch the magic

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The gulpin link shop is at the southeast of Pokemon square.

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you can't clone in red rescue team

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They may give you advice and sometimes acsess to new dungeons.

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in blue rescue team you are a pokemon, so you cant catch pokemon, you are friends with them.

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you just escort gengar and in the town square gardvoir will ask to join your team

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try Pokemon mystery dungeon red rescue team or blue rescue team

What is the difference of Pokemon red rescue dungeon and Pokemon Blue rescue dungeon?

Pokemon: Red Rescue Team is played on the GameBoy Advance. Pokemon: Blue Rescue Team is played on the Nintendo DS. There are many small differences besides this.

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you can't i think i have completed the game but i think it can't

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You can't catch pokemon in red rescue team. You can battle them and they might join your team. The odds of it happening are random.

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You can't. Pokemon Blue Rescue Team only has Pokemon from Kanto, Jotoh, and Hoenn. Piplup is from Sinnoh which was discovered after Blue Rescue Team to come out, so you can get Explorers of Time or Darkness if you want Pokemon from Sinnoh.

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