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You go on a few missions and then he comes back. After a while a team called team raider will appear on the beach. Should i tell you what will happen after?

Fine i will. You talk to them but they do nothing. You have to go on 50 rescue missions and then they will appear inside of the guild and you talk to them. SEE WHAT HAPPENS???????????? I was joking nothing will happen and too bad!!!

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Q: How do you get manaphy to come back?
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What do you do after doing the Darkrai missionin pmd2?

you have to do 3 missions then manaphy will come back asking to join your team then do 3 more missions then manaphy will tell you about marine resort after you clear it and get palkia to join your team you can evolve your starters.

How many days do you wait until manaphy comes back to you in pmd?

you just have to keep doing missions for a while then manaphy comes back

Where to get manaphy in Pokemon dark cry?

You can get a manaphy in manaphy cave

How do you get a manaphy egg on my Pokemon Ranch?

breed it with a ditto.if it's a baby manaphy it will have the egg faster,the egg will not be a manaphy.

How do you get manaphy in Pokemon rumble?

step by step 1_5 1. you must beat the whole game 2.go back to the water Pokemon stage 3. keep walking and beating a recruiting Pokemon 4.once you get to the end of the round don't battle the boss 5.just run around in a circle 7 times manaphy will join then once you beat manaphy youll recruit manaphy

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In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Darkness how to reicruit Manaphy?

After Manaphy leaves and you beat the whole game, sleep for a few days, and Manaphy will come back and join your team.

What do you do after walrein takes manaphy in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon of time?

Do the usual of carrying out missions for a few days. Manaphy will come back.

What do you do after manaphy goes away?

Continue on with the games story and after something like three days manaphy will come back and ask to join your team

Does anything happen after manaphy returns from the sea in Pokemon explorers of darkness?

do a couple of jobs then chatot will come and visit you and say "Manaphy has come back"

How do you get manaphy on Pokemon exploreres of darkness?

OK, first you need to get an manaphy egg from surrounded sea. when you take it back, it will hatch in a few days. then wailord will take it away to raise it. when you finish the game manaphy will come back. It is 40 lv. Good luck

How can you recruit manaphy in Pokemon mystery dungeon2?

When you PWNED Darkrai, after a few stupid jobs, Manaphy will come back He ain't found in a dungeon. He will join you immediately.

When does manaphy come back in explorers of sky?

after you complete the darkari mission sleep for a few days and manaphy will come back and join your team little edit:Manaphy will also tell you a new place to explore marine resort. Good luck!

On mystery dungeon what do you do after you cure manaphy?

Manaphy will have to leave because chatot said so and also because he can not live without being in the ocean but don't worry becuz after you beat darkrai manaphy will come back and join your team in 3 days or so

How do you get manaphy on Pokemon explorers of time?

you have to go to the surrounded sea and when you get to the end you will find 2 deluxe boxes and an egg. take the egg and you will get manaphy! It only eats blue gummis so if you have some - great! If you don't. go back to a sea dungeon and you will find some. Manaphy goes away but will come back later.

How do you get manaphy in Pokemon explorers of time?

you have to go to the surrounded sea and when you get to the end you will find 2 deluxe boxes and an egg. take the egg and you will get manaphy! It only eats blue gummis so if you have some - great! If you don't. go back to a sea dungeon and you will find some. Manaphy goes away but will come back later.