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You must go to celadon city, then you go to the game corner, and go to the man in front of the poster, talk to him, he will battle you. once he is defeated, press "a" in front of the poster, and stairs will appear. go down them, and into the rocket hideout. look up how get through it on at the end, there is the leader, Giovanni, waiting to battle you. beat him, and obtain the silph scope. then, all Pokemon in the Pokemon tower will be visible.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago
ghost in Pokemon fireeredbeey the silph company in saffron and the boss will give u silph scope. then battle the ghost ghost in Pokemon fireredbeey the silph company in saffron and the boss will give u silph scope. then battle the ghost
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Go west of Lavender town and go to the casino in the next town over. In the back, there will be a Team Rocket member in front of a poster. Defeat him, and press A in front of the poster. Then, go downstairs and beat everyone (you can go back up for pokemon center in between fights) and Giovanni drops the Silph Scope. Pick it up, and you can now fight / see ghosts.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

you need to get the silph scope on the team rocket hideout.

team rocket hideout is on the rocket game corner.

u need to use the lever behind the poster.

the silph scope is at the lowest floor.

u need to battle Giovanni the rocket s boss to get the silph scope

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Get the Silph Scope and it will turn into a Marowak. Then you'll be able to kill it normally like any other Pokemon.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Once you infiltrate Silph Co., you will get the Silph Scope which will allow you to reveal the ghost as it really is.

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Q: How do you get past the ghost in the poketower in Pokemon FireRed?
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You must have the Silph Scope with you in order to identify them. The Silph Scope can be obtained at the Rocket Hideout (Game Corner in Celadon City) after having defeated Giovanni.

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You must defeat them.

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You have to defeat Koga or the Ghost tower, I think.

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