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You get all the Pokemon in your pokedex by seeing them in the wild or a battle, catching them, or getting them in a trade. If you have Diamond and Pearl, you can also get the Pokemon in the GBA games by inserting the GBA Pokemon cartridge into the gameboy slot in your DS. Then either go to pal park and catch the Pokemon you send over, or find different ones in the wild.

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13y ago
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13y ago

To complete the pokedex you got to catch all the pokemons on the game first.

Its some Pokemon you can't find. I suggest you trade with friends^^

Some Pokemon evolve when you trade them.

Some Pokemon evolve with happiness,friendship or a stone.

So good luck! I'm not even finish with my pokedex.


Really if you beat the elite 4 10-15 times professer Birch will give you all the Pokemon in the reigon (Ive tested it)

{diff person than 2 posts above}

Here is an action replay though:










It does not work. I have beat the Elite Four seventy-two times and he just comments on how big my pokedex is. GIVE ME SOMETHING REAL!!!

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15y ago

if you have R4, you select pokedex 100% complete start the game and press "L" "R" and "SELECT" and you should have the full pokedex with all the data on all the pokemons, if you have action replay, type in some code, i dont have action replay so i dont know any codes, so look up codes for platinum somewhere else, then do the same as you do with R4 (select pokedex 100% complete start the game and press "L" ,"R" and "SELECT" and you should have the full pokedex with all the data on all the pokemons), of course you can just collect data yourself, but you can't collect data or catch arceus (unless through trading) without action replay or R4. Thanks for reading!

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15y ago

Listen the rap goin' trhrough and you'll forget this problem.- don't do that if you find your way to the elite 4 then look at your pokédex and if you still haven't then just go every where

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14y ago

Capture all the Pokémon... or just trade or use cheat codes. It's a bit of an easy question, as the objective is to complete the Pokédex by capturing every single known Pokémon in the game.

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14y ago

it is hard but you have to cathc all the pokemon( including the legendarys) or see all of them. good luck or you can get the action replay code to get a full pokedex. -RR14

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12y ago

Codes are for noobs just play through the game

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Q: How do you get the full national pokedex?
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How do you get national pokedex in Pokemon Pearl?

how do you et national pokedex in Pokemon pearl? finish your sinnoh pokedex and either proffessor rowan will give you the national pokedex, or prof. oak

Do you need the national pokedex for the Pokemon modifier in Pokemon platinum?

You do need the national pokedex for the Pokemon modifier. the Pokemon modifier uses the national pokedex numbes. you can not use the sinno pokedex.

What is the national pokedex number for Sudowoodo?

Budew is #406 in the national pokedex, and it is a Grass-Poison type Pokemon.

What is the national pokedex number for Zoroark?

Barboach is #339 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water-Ground type Pokemon.

What is the national pokedex number for Abomasnow?

Bulbasaur is #1 in the national pokedex, and it is a Grass-Poison type Pokemon.

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Is there a code to get a full national pokedex?


On sapphire what do you do when you complete the full pokedex?

1. complet pokedex. 2. Beat elite 4. 3. talk to prof. britch. 4. get national pokedex.

What pokedex is after the national pokedex?

there isn't, national is the final upgrade for the pokedex

Full national pokedex action replay cheat for Pokemon platinum?

Go on Neoseeker. They have it.

How do you get deoxes?

Get the national pokedex full and press on the rock

Do you have to have phione to comlete the national pokedex?

You need to for the National Pokedex, but not the Sinnoh Pokedex.

How can you get a full national pokedex in Pokemon diamond?

To get a full National Pokedex, You need to use the Action Replay Chip thingy... I did it! It's really ez X-cept for getting the code because some people lie about the numbers on the code... >:(

How do you get Pokemon off national pokedex on diamond?

press switch pokedex on the national pokedex and you will be using the sinnoh pokedex

What happens when you complete the national pokedex?

you complete the national pokedex

Were do you get a national pokedex?

we get national pokedex after defeating indigo plateau!!

How do you get the national pokedex in Pokemon platnuim?

You have to complete the Sinnoh pokedex before haveing the national pokedex.

How do you get the national pokedex Pokemon pearl?

by finishing the first pokedex and then professor oak give you the national pokedex