Sinnoh is not a place that is possible to visit in Pokemon Emerald. It is a region, but only available to explore in the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl games.
It has only the sinnoh region.
you are in sinnoh
Yes if you are looking at the cave of being it will take you all the way to the Sinnoh Region
Yes, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl's region name is Sinnoh Region.
No, because you cannot enter the Union Room and connect between Sinnoh and Unova region games. ( I wanted to spin trade between my White and SoulSilver game too..) NeonGreen16
You cannot go to the Sinnoh region in "Pokémon HeartGold" and "Pokémon SoulSilver."
the sinnoh region in violetcity
I think your talking about HeartGold/SoulSilver. In Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver you're not capable of going to the Sinnoh region, only Jhoto and Kanto are avaliable.
You can not. It is impossible for Heartgold and Soulsilver.
You cannot go to the Sinnoh region on Pokemon SoulSilver. You can only go between the Johto and Kanto regions. No other regions can be accessed in SoulSilver.
There is no Sinnoh to unlock in either game. If you want to access Sinnoh, you must buy Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum Versions.
Not in Heartgold/Soulsilver.
you can'tYou can only get rotom in the sinnoh region games.Or if you have a action replay.
unfortunatly, no
Sinnoh Sound on the radio or Safari Zone
There is no sinnoh region in heartgold or soulsilver, it is only Johto and Kanto.