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You get a guard outfit and card key from Blister and you sneek into the security impound center were you have to sneek around until you find your deck and duel runner and escape.

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Q: How do you get your deck and duel runner back on Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Stardust Accelerator?
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just like in the original yugioh 5ds after you get your runner and deck back from the impound center trudge vs you and then you meet Leo and Luna . hope i helped

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In yugioh 5ds stardust accelerator worldchampionship 2009 where is the storage room where you have to get your deck back?

the one that you go up from where your guarding and turn right and look out for the guards i have no idea what you are talking baout i mean i tried 3 rooms already and none of it is the storage room can you answer more clearly??

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its a puzzel to get pase them but dont make them see you or the will send you back to your post.

In Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds Stardust Accelerator how to get your Duel Runner back?

Here is a non-spoiler walkthrough created by Samurai Bandit from GameFAQs:'ll probably want to start at the section called "Getting Back what they took from you", which explains how to get pass the guards (Ctrl+F to look for it quickly).Good luck.

In yu-gi-oh 5ds stardust accelerator world championship 2009 what pack has morphtronic monsters?

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it is currently on on Saturday mornings on the cw4kids. Yugioh Zexal is on at 9 am and the Original Yugioh is on at 9:30 am.

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When will Yu-Gi-Oh 5d's be back with new episodes?

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