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Yes, so long as you have a GameCube to GBA Link Cable.

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you need something called Pokemon box

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Q: How do you insert the Pokemon GBA game in the GameCube?
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Related questions

What is the use of connecting your Game Boy Advance to a GameCube?

some game can transfer data to each other. like Pokemon games, the fire red gba game can transfer data (Pokemon) to or from the gamecube game. OR you can play the gba game on the tv

How do you get Pokemon from gba to ds?

Insert the GBA Game in Slot To, it should be labeled in the bottom, of your DS, Take the Cover and insert The game. ~L~

What game do you think i should get a gba gameshark or Pokemon Colosseum for gamecube?

Option A.

How do you get Ho Oh on Pokemon Diamond?

you have to have Pokemon colloseum for gamecube, get ho-oh on there, put it on gba game, migrate it. voila!

Can you play Pokemon Green on the GameCube?

While Pokemon FireRed isn't a DS game (it's a GBA game), you can play it on a DS, since GBA games can be played on a DS. In fact, you need to have a GBA Pokemon game in your DS in order to transfer Pokemon from GBA Pokemon games to the DS games.

How do you get in to Pal Park in pearl?

You must first insert a GBA pokemon game into the daul slot. Then migrate 6 pokemon to the pal park from the GBA game then the guy should let you do it.

Is it possible to trade from the ds to the GameCube with Pokemon games?

no you cannot. but you can take game cube game Pokemon, (Xd or colluseum) and trade them to a gameboy game via gc to gba cable. and then you can migrate those Pokemon into a ds Pokemon game, after you unlock pal park. But you can't put your ds Pokemon into a gamecube game.

How do you migrate Pokemon when it is a Game Boy color game in platinum?

I would suggest borrowing another gba system from a friend if they have one then get a leafgreen, firered or any other gba Pokemon games trade it then if you want to get it on platinum insert the gba game into the gba insert on the ds if you have one migrate it over and there you go and only catch at palpark. Empoleon master kid. ^_^

Can you put gba Pokemon into a GameCube?

Yes. You must use the gba-gc link cable.

Where can you get the Pokemon shuckle in Pokemon Diamond?

Insert an Emerald game in the GBA slot and go to route 224 and it should appear.

How do you migerat Pokemon?

insert GBA Pokemon game and DS Pokemon game in DS load DS Pokemon game on main menu it said Migrate from (Pokemon GBA game) say yes twice. choose six Pokemon then it save on both games then go to pal park to receive those Pokemon

How do you trade Pokemon with Pokemon coloseam and Pokemon Diamond?

You can't trade directly to Pokemon Colosseum. You need a GBA and a 3rd generation game (Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen, etc.) and the GBA adapter cable to connect with the Gamecube. You can trade to there and then migrate the Pokemon to your Diamond.