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Well first you plug in you charger cause it takes an hour.Then you click on nintendogs and dontdo anything to the screen.Dont click on the screen and dont close you dsi.Then you go out to play for a hour.Then you go to you dsi and look at it.You will see that you nintendog is gone!Then you call the missings dogs name or whisle.and their coming throgh the door,Is your nintendog with a presant!And you dont have to take you dog out for a walk if you alredy did!Its a win win!You dog takes a walk and you get a presant!P.sThis works for all nintendog games exept 3DS.And you can still have to give them food and water!Also im now going to tell you a cheat for a gold bar!Give your dog water and natural dog food.Next you put on a lucky collar and clover clock.Then you go for a walk.You dog has to have a load of stamina.Then you walk near the beach and all ? marks.You have to wait.It will come up soon!Also a cheat.Brush your nintendog.then go back to the brush room.Put in your charger.dont do anything to the screen.Then while you sleep you will get 3 points every min!And if you leave you dsi on all day also you will get about 3,000 ttrainer points!Also the more trainerpoints you have the more you will have in shops and get brand new things!Now I have 51,000 trainer points,10,000 dollars and a black chihuahua boy.Longhaired white chihuahua girl and a light colored golden retriever!And unlocked every single dog!even the dalmation wich needs the firman hat and a jack russle wich needs the jack russle book!You to get a firman hat.You lisen for a sirine sound then as quick as you can take you dog out for a walk!Try to hit every single ? mark box and soon you will find a fireman hat!And if you read what the fireman hat says it will say Dalmations are now in the kennle.How to get a jack russle book.You wait for a dog to bark next door and if you here it your dogs will howl.Then very quick you go for walk and try to hit every single ? mark.Sooner or later you will find the book.Then it will read Jack russles are now in the kennle.Hope this helped.And i know this was onley for that 1 cheat but hay!6 cheats are better than 1!So hoped this helped and please if you have any more cheats you will like to add please add them!Chow!


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Q: How do you make your nintendog run away?
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How can you get your nintendog to run away?

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Can your nintendog die?

No. Nintendogs never die, regardless of the conditions. However, if you neglect them too much, they may run away in some versions of the game. It is possible to get them to come back.

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alot of practice

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You can not make your Moshi Monster run away from home. If you do not play with it or feed it, your monster will become unhappy and sick.

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When you are teaching your nintendog a trick, the light bulb will appear a few times.Hint: If you touch the light bulb with your stylus, you can move it around and even feed it to your nintendog as a treat!

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if its small, then it will be more slow and will have a jiggly tummy!

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They're designed to stay as puppies forever, not unless you find a cheat code to make them age.

Why do pets run away from their oweners?

Pets may run away because they might think their owner is trying to attack them or they are scared. Do not chase them, make them chase you and make them get used to your natural smell.