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Q: How do you pronounce Tierra Templada?
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Do most Mexico's population live in the tierra fria or tierra templada?

most people live in the tierra templada

Where is Tierra Templada in the Andes Mountain?

Yes. tierra templada is located in the Andes mountains

Is the tierra templada environmental zone is situated at a higher elevation than the tierra fría zone?

Yes, the tierra templada environmental zone is typically situated at a higher elevation than the tierra fría zone. Tierra templada is characterized by mild temperatures and is found at intermediate elevations, while tierra fría is characterized by cold temperatures and is located at higher elevations.

What does tierra templada mean?

"cool land"

Where are most of mexicos' farms at?

Temperate or "Tierra Templada".

What are tierra fria tierra templada and tierra caliente?

Cold land moderate land hot land

Where is Tierra Templada?

Central Inner Part of Mexico tierra templada is an elevation zone it is not only found in Mexico but in south America and i often here this when talking about the Andes mountains which is around Chile and is on the western border of south America also tierra templada is 3000-6000 above sea level

What is the main commercial crop grown in the Tierra templada?


What are the five zones of the Andes Mountains that start with terra?

There are only four that I know of and they are: TIERRA CALIENTE TIERRA TEMPLADA TIERRA FRIA TIERRA HELADA

What crops are grown in the tierra templada?

Crops commonly grown in the tierra templada region include coffee, corn, beans, avocados, and citrus fruits. The mild climate and fertile soil of the tierra templada make it suitable for a variety of agricultural activities.

What is the highest elevation zone in the Andes mountains?

I'm not really sure if this is what you meant but, it's something...^-^ +Tierra Caliente: 0-3,000ft +Tierra Templada: 3,000-6.000ft +Tierra Fria: 6,000-12,000ft +Tierra Helada: 12,000-15,000ft (in order from bottom of mountain to top of mountain XP)

What altiudinal zone is coffee grown in south America?

Tierra templada