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if you are referring to the Disney world in Paris, France, the French call it 'Parc Disneyland'

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Q: How do you say Disney World in french?
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Is the Disney Channel games played in Disney World or Disneyland?

isn't it the same thing? On Disney channel they say its Disney World though.

How many french fries does Disney World sell per day?

The folks at Disney say that almost 9.3 million pounds of french fries are served every year at Disney World. They don't say whether that is their weight before frying or after (it might not make a difference). If I did the math right, that 25,000 pounds a day (9.3 million divided by 365). Wow!

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When you enter Disney what does the sign say?

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They are located where your right there a shopping plaza and in your left it will say walt disney world.

Where was Walt Disney's home in Disneyland?

He didn't have a home in Disneyland. He had an apartment in the French Quarter area of Epcot in Disney World.

How do you say the world in french?

the world is 'le monde' in French.

When did Disney made Disney World?

Well, Walt ( As you prefer to say Disney ) Died before it was opened. The park opened in 1971.

What is the largest ride at Disney World?

I would say The Great Movie Ride in Disney's Hollywood Studios.

How do you say We want to go to Disney world in spanish?

Queremos ir al mundo de Disney

How do you say a world in French?

"a world" is "un monde" (masc.) in French.

What is important about Disney World?

When you say "important" I am guessing you mean the benefits of Disney World. Well, there are many hotels near for one thing......