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To steal Pokemon, you have to have a cheat code and cheat engine/emulator you can play a Pokemon game on. Hope I helped! :)

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Q: How do you still Pokemon?
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Can you still get lugia if you kill one Pokemon in Pokemon XD?


What Pokemon loves the electirizer in Pokemon white?

as always it will still be electabuzz.

What do you do after you get to the Pokemon league in Pokemon Pearl?

The game is technically over but you can still collect Pokemon and go to more places.

What three starter Pokemon are there in Pokemon Platinum?

still the same Pokemon as d/p chimchar, piplup, and turtwig

Can you still recruit Pokemon for your team even if you already have 4 Pokemon in that dungeon?

Sadly no...

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Are there still gym battles in Pokemon Black and Pokemon White?

Yes, like any regular Pokemon game, Pokemon black and white still has gym battles.

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Can you still get Pokemon FireRed?

yes, you can still buy it.

Who still plays Pokemon still?

Loads of people

Can a Pokemon still like you if you got it over trade?

yes the Pokemon can still like you even if you got it from a trade.

What are the new Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold?

there are no new Pokemon on heart gold there is still only 493

What if all Pokemon boxs are can you still catch Pokemon?

if your party is not full

Can you still get lugia if you kill one Pokemon in Pokemon XD?


What Pokemon loves the electirizer in Pokemon white?

as always it will still be electabuzz.

Are pokemon toy characters still original?

There are some old and some new pokemon toys. There are 6 generations of Pokemon, each generation adds more and more Pokemon to the already gigantic range of Pokemon toys. However there are many Pokemon that have been carried through the generations and Pokemon from generation 1 which are very much still famous and are still being produced.

Do people still play Pokemon?

Almost all of my friends play Pokemon. It's still a big fad. I'm obsessed with Pokemon and I play as often as I can. So yes.

Does Pokemon still sell johto Pokemon cards in stores?

I tjink they do, but they might be in a pack with newer pokemon.