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YOu must have beaten the sevn gym's and the elite four, plus your Rival. Once this is completed you need to go and capture 60 diffrent pokemon. Then go and speak to Oak and he gives you a item. Now go to island one and speak to Cleio and he tells you to get him two Gem's. once you have them he gives you a pass for the other four island, island 4, 5, 6, and 7.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Beat the Elite 4 with 60 Pokemon or beat the Elite 4 then catch 60 Pokemon..

Then talk to Prof. Oak he will upgrade your Pokedex into National Pokedex... Go to One Island then talk to Celio he will tell you that he needed a Ruby... Go to Mt. Ember, go to the side where the rockets are digging.. He will say the first password for their warehouse, he will say "Goldeen need a log", then battle them both... Go to the cave. There will be slugma and Magcargo, but Magcargo is very rare. Then you will get the Ruby. Bring it to Celio then h will give you a rainbow pass. Then you'll be able to get to Seven Island...


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13y ago

go to the cinabar island witch is wier the botom of palet town is go stright down then yure their go to the gym door it sais it's locked so go to the Pokemon manshin to the left get the key after that beat the gym leader walk out side and bill will be there and take you to the 1 island that will give you aksess to islan 123

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12y ago

After you see defeat the elite four, go to mt ember in one island. Talk to the two rocket grunts (take a left from entrance and go ahead.) It all happens before your eyes.

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Q: How do you unlock islands 4 7 in Pokemon leaf green?
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if this is for leaf green i think no Pokemon are on 7 islands but islands 8 and 9 there are lugia and ho oh good luck

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You get the Rainbow Pass from Bill in order to have access to the other four islands in the sevii islands.

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Migrate Pokemon from Pokemon games in the past preferably fire red or leaf green

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there is no island 8 or ninie in Pokemon fire red or leaf green or any other Pokemon fire red and leaf green there is only islands 1,2,3.get further in the game and you'll go to islands 4,5,6,7.

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After you have beaten the Elite 4 talk to Oak. If you have caught at least 60 Pokemon he will give you the Rainbow Pass. This will allow you to go to the 7 islands.

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Johto is inaccessible on Leaf Green although Islands Four to Seven contain Johto Pokemon.

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beat all of the other gyms first