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Gandalf was a Maia, a servant of Manwe and Varda, the Lord and Lady of the Valar in the undying lands, Valinor. In order to help the free peoples of Middle Earth escape the power and domination of Sauron, the Valar sent 5 wizards, the Istari, to help mankind. The five wizards sent were Saruman the White, Gandalf the Grey, Radagast the Brown and the Blue Wizards Alatar and Pallando.

Gandalf left the undying lands and sailed east, landing in Mithlond, the Grey Havens, which was the city of Círdan, the Teleri Elf Lord. Círdan was the keeper of one of the three Elven Rings of power, Narya, the Ring of Fire given to him by the High King Gil-Galad. Seeing Gandalf, and recognizing him as the greatest of the Istari who arrived in Middle Earth, he gave him Narya, for his need would be great.

"Take this ring, Master, for your labours will be heavy; but it will support you in the weariness that you have taken upon yourself. For this is the Ring of Fire, and with it you may rekindle hearts in a world that grows chill. But as for me, my heart is with the Sea, and I will dwell by the grey shores until the last ship sails. I will await you." Appendix B: "The Tale of Years, p 366"

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13y ago

Bilbo gets the keys by waiting until the guard with the keys passes out from drinking to much string wine. He then takes the keys from him and unlocks the Dwarves. After this is done, he returns the keys.

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Thorin Oakenshield's Father, Thrain II Oakenshield, gave the map to Gandalf when he lay dying in the dungeons of Dol Goldur.

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Q: How does Bilbo get the keys to the elven dungeon in The Hobbit?
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Can you see keys with the x-ray specs in Pokemon mystery dungeon?

yes, you can see keys with x-ray specs. you can see any item or foe with them in a dungeon.

When Bilbo steals the guards keys in chapter 9 how does he feel about stealing?

He feels rather guilty about it, and makes sure that the keys are returned so that the guard doesn't get in trouble.

What is main conflict of The Hobbit chapter1?

Bilbo rejoins the dwarves after escaping the goblin cave. They is a recap the flight from the goblins in the dark and Bilbo makes up a bit of a story about what happened, keeping the ring a secret. While putting distance between them and the goblins' mountain stronghold they are discovered by a pack of wargs and climb into the trees to escape. The Goblins join the wargs and start to burn Gandalf, the dwarves and the hobbit out of the trees. The giant eagles swoop down from the sky and pluck them from the tree tops and take them to their aerie. After Gandalf talks with the eagles they cook food and eat and then fall asleep.

Where do you find keys in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of the Sky?

You can sometimes find keys on the lowest levels of Aegis Cave. You can also buy them at the Kecleon shop in Treasure Town sometimes, they are 8000 poke.

How do you obtain the Solar Cave keys in Pokemon Red Rescue Team?

Keys are items that are found randomly in Solar Cave. There is no telling which floor they will be on. But Keys are like items, they can be picked up, thrown, sold and can be brought to you. But Solar Cave is not the only dungeon with Keys in it. Western Cave (a dungeon that is unlocked later in the game) also has Keys scatered around in it. Because Keys are random items in either dungeons, you may need to visit those places again and again to build up a fair supply.

Related questions

How do the dwarves escape from the dungeon in The Hobbit?

Bilbo snatches the keys from the jailer and unlocks the doors, then they set off in barrels down the river.

What elven frailties aid Bilbo with his escape plan?

The elven frailty is wine. The elvenking's butler and the chief guard drink some wine, which caused them to fall asleep. This gave Bilbo the chance of stealing the keys to the jail cells, and escaping with the rest of the dwarves.

What was the name of the butler in The Hobbit?

Galion is the name of the butler in the elven king's palace. He and the Chief Guard fell asleep after drinking wine and Biblo was able to steal the keys.

Where are the car keys in Poptropica?

in the dungeon

How many times does Bilbo steal a set of keys?


Can you see keys with the x-ray specs in Pokemon mystery dungeon?

yes, you can see keys with x-ray specs. you can see any item or foe with them in a dungeon.

How do you get keys on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

There are loads in western cave.

How do you get the solar cave keys in Pokemon mystery dungeon blue rescue team?

There are tons of keys in that dungeon with Mewtwo in it, or you can always buy 'em(They're 8000 Poke in the Kecleon shop)

Can you get two keys in the bottom of the well in Zelda master quest?

There are two Small Keys in the dungeon, so yes, you can get two keys. Both keys are required to get the Lens of Truth.

Are keys made out of iron?

Old dungeon keys were made from iron, but todays keys are more likely to be brass, often plated to appear silver in color.

Summarize Bilbos rescue of the dwarves?

Bilbo stays invisible for weeks listening to conversations of the Wood-Elves. The king's first man<-? and a guard test some wine in the basement of the Wood-Elf compound. They fall asleep and Bilbo steals the guard's keys. Bilbo unlocks the cells of the dwarves and he puts them in empty tubs that the Wood-Elves were about to throw out through their river disposal system, (I can't quite remember what it was called), and the elves who throw out the tubs threw out the dwarves without even looking in them. Bilbo had one problem though, he wasn't in a tub, so he had to grab on to a barrel and float into the lake where the dwarves and Bilbo are accepted and fed and housed.

Were do you get keys in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon red?

You have to be lucky and find them random in dungeons