press shift, space bar and E click the mouse button right side that is so simple tyr it i have Transformers the game inpc and wii
In the first movie, when the Autobots come down to Earth,they introduce themselves to Sam then Ratchet shoots a healing laser at his neck it just took time to recover that is why it was used in the secend and third movie
Gastro Acid is a star blast attack.
you can't countering an attack of that power is impossible
that's physically impossible
I Don't know for sure. But moves are: Fire Blast, Earthquake, Wing Attack and Flamethrower.
Blast Off - Transformers - was created in 1987.
Transformers Animated - 2007 Blast from the Past 1-6 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG
In the first movie, when the Autobots come down to Earth,they introduce themselves to Sam then Ratchet shoots a healing laser at his neck it just took time to recover that is why it was used in the secend and third movie
it ether has to be blast burn or flare blitz or fire blast
It is a powerful attack of 120.
That is Blast Burn
blast burn
When your Ironhide, keep shooting Starscream when he comes around, so he won't be able to shoot you because Ironhide has a strong fire blast attack. Try jumping as you shoot, it will make your enemies more likely to miss.
Well goku second attack in raging blast is super spirte bomb. All you have to do is power up to max and press RS button.
they blast ink at them or squeeze them with their tentacles
Gastro Acid is a star blast attack.
You can't