Superman's general look is a muscular brown/black haired clean cut man. He actually has a rather generic look which is why his alter-ego Clark Kent goes unnoticed when it would be really easy to tell he's Superman with glasses.
My Guess is a Pod suit is something of an insulated and kryptonite-proof external body capsule- like some types of Space Suits used by NASA- they would have an odd- somewhat diving Bell shape and would entirely enclose the occupant, some having remote control arms- sometimes called a Jim Suit, very bulky but of use for space-walkers
He has dark (black) hair and blue eyes. His hair is short and has some kind of curl of wave on the front of his hair. He's very muscular with his muscle clearly showing through his suit which is blue, read, and partially yellow. He wears a red cape and red boots that cover his whole calf.
He wears a yellow belt with a red brief. His suit has long sleeves and long pants, but is one suit all together. And in the middle of his chest is the Superman sign.
Superman has a few catch phrases such as "Up, up and away" which he uses before he starts to fly and also "This looks like a job for Superman" which he uses when he sees a crime that has happened or is happening.
what does superman not like
A guy ejaculating on a girl's back, then sticking bed sheets onto the ejaculate. This gives the appearance of the girl wearing a cape--like Superman.
Face it tiger you just hit the jackpot. It's your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman!
A weirdo like you.
I think he will one day, because he looks just like the Superman from the comics.
Superman Became Bizzaro at Six Flags because there is already a superman ride their. The superman ride is were you are on a coaster and it actually looks like your flying but on Bizzaro it is like an everyday roller coaster but you have to keep your head back or you will just hurt your neck
Superman has a few catch phrases such as "Up, up and away" which he uses before he starts to fly and also "This looks like a job for Superman" which he uses when he sees a crime that has happened or is happening.
what does superman not like
Yes... looks like LEGO Superheroes will be coming out soon. I saw a superman LEGO guy on the LEGO site recently... not to buy yet, but should be soon.
The comic book character and super hero, Superman, has several catch phrases he says often. These include "Up,up, and away!" and "This looks like a job for Superman."
A guy ejaculating on a girl's back, then sticking bed sheets onto the ejaculate. This gives the appearance of the girl wearing a cape--like Superman.
The symbol worn by Jor-El, father of Superman, as played by Marlon Brando, looks like a letter "S" but is actually a Kryptonian symbol. It is the crest of the family Kal-El (Superman) comes from, the House of El. It is just a coincidence it looks like a letter S in a shield, but a useful device for the costume of the superhero from Smallville. In some versions of the story, a blanket in the spacecraft that brought Superman as a baby to the Kansas field where he was found by the Kents had the symbol on it. Martha Kent sewed it onto the Superman costume.
Face it tiger you just hit the jackpot. It's your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman!
A weirdo like you.
The Target Deluxe Speak Now cd. It is red and looks like Speak Now.