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Q: How does the narration affect the narrator and credibility in this excerpt?
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How does third person affect credibility?

Third person affects credibility because they are describing the accounts of someone else and not their own. It affects the credibility because the person writing about it did not experience it themselves.

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The third-person narration allows readers to imagine Derry's appearance.

How does the voice affect the characterization and credibility of the text?

The voice of a text refers to the unique style, tone, and perspective of the narrator or author. It can greatly influence how characters are portrayed and how believable the story is perceived to be. A strong, consistent voice can enhance characterization by bringing characters to life and establishing their authenticity within the context of the narrative. It also helps build credibility by engaging readers and fostering a sense of trust in the storytelling.

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The choice of narration point of view in "The Man of the House" will influence which character's perspective is highlighted, shaping how events are interpreted and understood by the reader. It can affect the reader's access to certain information and emotions, thus influencing their engagement with the story and characters. The narrator's reliability and subjectivity will also impact how events are presented and whether the reader is guided to see them in a particular light.

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They are worse off than they were before.

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True. Just as your physical appearance can influence someone's perception of you, the way you write can also impact how others view your credibility. Using clear, professional language and organization can enhance your credibility, while errors or inconsistencies may diminish it.

How does the first person point of view affect the reader in Flowers for Algernon?

sympathize with the narrator.

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What were their crimes? How does this classification affect the fate of the two boys? Why did China want to reeducate people like the narrator and Luo?

Why does Watson shift from his reports to Holmes to his personal diary in the hound of the Baskervilles how does the shift affect his credibility of his story?

to show a different perspective of how the story is being told.

How does using third person point of view affect the credibility of the sources you use for your academic writing?

The third person point of view affects the credibility of the sources in academic writing because the person cites another source which is not credible. The third point of view is point is open to distortion.

Which of Montresors character traits affects his reliability in The Cask of the Amontillado?

Montresor's vengeful and manipulative character traits affect his reliability in "The Cask of Amontillado." His desire to seek revenge on Fortunato clouds his judgment and makes him an unreliable narrator as he recounts the events leading up to Fortunato's entrapment and murder. His deceitful and cunning nature further undermines his credibility, casting doubt on the truthfulness of his account.