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5 million bajillion degrees Fahrenheit

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Q: How hot is Superman's heat vision?
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How does Superman shave?

Due to Supermans invulnerability, which includes his hair, he cannot shave by normal means. It is widely accepted that he uses his heat vision and a mirror to burn away the unwanted hair.

What are Supermans gadgets?

Superman does not need gadgets like batman. He has super powers. He has super strength, speed, vision, and hearing. Lazer eyes, the ability to fly, freeze breath, heat vision, x-ray vision, super breath (different from freeze breath), and amazing memory. :)

What colour is supermans shorts?

Supermans tights are red.

Why do you faint when you're out In the sun?

It is called a heat stroke. It is when you get too hot. I believe that it's because you already have heat inside of you and when you get in the heat you will be ok ... but if you are out there for too long and you get too hot you can have a heat stroke! The easiest way to know if you are about to have a stroke is if you get dizzy, your vision is blurry, having hallucinations

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When was Hot Hot Heat created?

Hot Hot Heat was created in 1999.

Does Godzilla have laser vision?

Yes , much like Superman's heat vision Godzilla does have laser vision .

Do garter snakes have heat vision?

No. Technically no snake has heat vision. However, pit vipers and some pythons have heat sensing pits. This is not a form of vision so much as an entirely new sense. Garter snakes do not have this.

What are Supermans strengths?

The number of Superman's powers and abilities has increased over the years, but his main ones are strength, speed, flight and x-ray vision. See Sources and related links for more information.

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