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Q: How is the scent of flowers spread?
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Related questions

What are the other flowers in perfume?

Most flowers with a scent are used in perfume.

What scent is most attractive to humans?

The scent that is most attractive to humans is that which comes from flowers.

Are bees attracted to color or scent?

Bees are attracted to flowers' scent and bright colors.

Do hummingbirds like color or scent better?

Hummingbirds have no sense for scent and flowers attract them by their colors.

Is Scent Insect Polinated Flowers or Wind Pollinated Flowers?

wind pollinated

How are birds and insects drawn to flowers?

By their scent, by the food some flowers offer (pollen and nectar) and by the colours of the flowers.

Do all flowers smell?

No some plants do not have a scent

What kind of bush has little pink flowers with no scent on it?


Does Some flowers have a mild of scent make sense?

No. Take out the of.

When there is no wind the scent of flowers can be detected more easily on a warm night than on a cold night?

Yes. This is because the molecules of the scent condense nearer to the flowers than in colder conditions.

How do you spell bouque?

The likely word is "bouquet" (bunch of flowers, or a scent).

How does a plant attract a bee?

The Bees Are Attracted To The Flowers Scent And Smell.