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Q: How long did queen Elizabeth rule Canada?
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Was Queen Elizabeth the first queen to rule Canada?

Not really, Canada has had British and French Monarchs before, and eventually after independence, Canadian Monarchs. Queen Elizabeth II is Canada's Head of State and Queen of Canada. But rarely exercises her vast powers and keeps them for emergencies only. The democratically elected House of Commons is the one which does the most exercising of Her Majesty's powers.

What was Queen Elizabeth's occupation?

Queen Elizabeth's occupation was to rule all of England.

How long did Queen Elizabeth 11 rule?

from 1952 to the present date - still on the throne

What was Queen Elizabeth 1 occupation?

Queen Elizabeth's occupation was to rule all of England.

How long did Queen Elizabeth I rule England?

She ruled England from 1558 to 1603 which is 45 years

How did Queen Elizabeth rule?

heka bad

Who did Queen Elizabeth I rule?

* Queen Elizabeth I Queen Elizabeth I was Queen of England, and held the then, separate title of Queen of Ireland, from 17th November 1558 until her death on 24th March 1603.

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Does the Queen of the UK rule over Canada?

The United Kingdom and Canada (as well as Australia, New Zealand etc..) share the same Queen. Officially Queen Elizabeth II remains the titular head of state for Canada, however, it is the Prime Minister of Canada who is the head of government, and is empowered under Canada's Constitution to form the federal government and wield executive power. Queen Elizabeth II is not, and never has been, the Queen of England. That title has not existed for over 300 years. She is Queen of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Did Queen Elizabeth the first rule with or against parliament?

Queen Elizabeth the I ruled with Parliment and on occasion she would rule against them if the situation called for it

How long did Mary Tudor rule England before Queen Elizabeth?

Queen Mary I of England (Mary Tudor) reigned as Queen of England for five years and approximately 4 months before her death. Elizabeth took the throne after Mary's death.

Who was the last of Henry the 8ths children to rule?

Queen Elizabeth I