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Q: How many Madonna's did Raphael Sanzio make?
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How many works did Raphael Sanzio create?


Who Influenced Raphael Sanzio?

Raphael was influenced by many people. Some being Perugino, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Fra Bartolommeo, and others.

What did Raphael Sanzio do?

The famous painter Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio) lived from 1483-1520, and created many famous paintings. Two of the best known are:Madonna of the Meadow, ca. 1505-1506, in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, andPhilosophy (School of Athens), 1509-1511, in the Stanza della Segnatura in the Vatican.

How many 'Last Supper' did Raphael print?

Raphael did not paint this subject, nor did he make any prints.

What is one technique Raphael Sanzio uses to create emphasis in Marriage of the Virgin?

All the people are looking at the important thing: the hands of Mary and Joseph in the Marriage of the Virgin.

What is the documentation of Raphael Sanzio's death at 37 and who was luti?

Raphael was known to have had many affairs with woman. He was publicly engaged to Mari Bibbiena. But he never married her due to the early death at age 37. He may have been secretly married to Margherita Luti due to some facts on the paintings "The Veiled Lady". He died from overwork and affairs. He had a fever and was given the wrong cure. He died by his unfinished work the Transfiguration.

Which artist specialized in images of the Madonna?

Cimabue, Bellini, Raphael..

Why did Raphael Sanzio work for the pope?

Raphael had already produced several minor works in northern Italy so already was beginning to be recognized. When he moved to Rome in 1508 Pope Julius III, probably at the urging of architect Donato Bramante, commissioned Raphael to produce a fresco in what was intended to become the Pope's private library at the Vatican Palace. Working for the pope, especially on a major work of art, was a guarantee of becoming well known. Many artists from this period gained their fame because of work they were commissioned to do by the Vatican.

What skills did Raphael master?

not many

How many painting did Raphael paint?

About 100.

How many paintings did Raffaello Sanzio paint?

he painted 178 painting in his short life Answer 2: It was rather about 100.

What is Raphael known for?

Raphael is one of the three archangels named in scripture.