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As many as you can properly care for.

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Q: How many cats should you have?
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How many cats should a homeowner have?

two or one

How many cats should I adopt?

50 Dumbo

How many cats should you have in a thunder clan?

I mean Thunder clan like from the warrior series but you should have 15-20 cats in that clan

How many cats like milk?

Most cats are lactose intolerant and should not be fed cow's milk.

How many legs do 23 cats have?

Each cat has four legs, so 23 cats should have 92 legs.

How many cals should a girl at 16 have?

As many cats as she wants and her parents or guardians will permit her to have.

How many paws do 23 cats have?

Each cat has four paws, so 23 cats should have 92 paws total.

How many cats should you buy all at once 2?

U SHOULD GET 2 from my sientifec way 2

Can cats take meclizine?

Cats can have medicine only if it has been prescribed to them by a vet, and in the authorized doses. Many human medications are lethal to felines.

What glue works best to attach swords to your guard cats?

super glue fits perfectly. i think that cats should not be guard cats and you should get rid of your cats. cats are not good animals to have

How many cats can you have in a house in Ontario?

You should have no more than two or three cats in a house in Ontario. This is to avoid animal cruelty and neglect charges.

Who here likes cats because i like cats and if you like cats we should chat?

me, i love cats