There are no games in Mockingjay...
There are 22 Chapters in the book.
Word Count: 100,269
The author of Mockingjay is Suzanne Collins
Mockingjay has 27 chapters. It is divided into three parts, and has an epilogue at the end of the book.
27 :)
there are 31 pages in the first two chapters.
There are 27 chapter
27, just like the other 2 books
The book Mockingjay has 27 total chapters and is split into three parts. It also has an epilogue.
read the book
um.....Suzanne has not posted the "official" chapters online...so.....there are many fanfiction ones that are great.... good luck!
Amazon, ebay, sometimes Chapters. And they are at my local movie theatre but I don't know if they are at every movie theatre.
13 chapters