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There are 36 episodes.

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Q: How many episodes in Pokemon adventures in the orange islands?
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How do you get to the orange islands on pokemon firered?

They don't exist.

What region is Pokemon arcoiris in?

Pokémon Arcoiris is based in the Orange Islands

What is the cheat code for the orange island event in Pokemon fire red?

You can't go to the Orange Islands.

How do you trade a Pokemon from Pokemon leafgreen to Pokemon XD gale of darkness?

beat the game and get to the indigo or orange or whatever islands, where u find hoenn pokemon.

Can you go to orange island in Pokemon soulsilver?

there is no such thing as the orange island but there is 1-7 islands and if you get the Nintendo event there are 1-9 islands

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What episodes of Pokemon Orange Islands are Ash's mom in?

Pokemon 2000 [ The Power Of One]

How do you get to the orange islands in Pokemon platinum?

The Orange Islands do not exist in any Pokemon game.

Can you go to the orange islands in Pokemon soul silver?

The orange islands are made up islands strictly used for the Pokemon cartoon.

Is there a pokemon game for the orange islands?

Yeah, pokemon orange or naranja

Can you go to the orange islands in Pokemon heartgold?

i believe not in heart gold. but there is a video game called orange islands pokemon game and u can go to orange islands from there

How do you get to the orange islands in Pokemon HeartGold?

you mean seafoam islands the orange islands was exclusive to the anime. but the seafoam islands is south of pallet town.

How do you get to the orange islands on pokemon firered?

They don't exist.

Which Pokemon game has the orange islands in it?

There isn't one currently

Where can you find a website that shows Pokemon orange islands full episodes?

Got to and you will find all the Pokemon episodes along with movies, banned episodes and never before seen episodes called chronicles. All of the episodes are organized very well and go by number and title of the episode as well as the season. New episodes are uploaded every time a new episode is aired.this site is very easy to navigate. Hope this helps XD

What region is Pokemon arcoiris in?

Pokémon Arcoiris is based in the Orange Islands

What is the cheat code for the orange island event in Pokemon fire red?

You can't go to the Orange Islands.

How do you geet to orange islands in Pokemon LeafGreen?

u cant unless u are a hacker