Chapter 1 starts on page 5, Chapter 15 starts on page 255 and ends on page 273. This is in the hardcover first edition by Disney - Hyperion.
yes, rick Riordan will start a new Percy book i near thanksgiving!:):):):):):):):)
"The last olympian!" I'm sure of it. Rick Riordan even announced it. The 5th book is "The Last Olympian" and it comes out on May 5th, 2009
First of all, it's Last Olympian. It's not plural. Second, Rick Riordan doesn't tell what happened to her. I would assume she disappeared.
Rick Riordan
Rick Riordan
The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan is worth 12 Accelerated Reader (AR) points.
yes, rick Riordan will start a new Percy book i near thanksgiving!:):):):):):):):)
yes it is, but Rick Riordan will start a new series.
May 05, 2009 - The Last Olympian
Rick Riordan named his fifth book The Last Olympian because the there was only one Olympian left on Olympus after the rest of the gods left to go fight. The last Olympian on Olympus was Lady Hestia or to the Romans Lady Vesta.
Probably Rick Riordan's editor or a proof-reader.
"The Last Olympian" by Rick Riordan was first published in 2009, so the copyright date would be 2009.
In the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan, the last Olympian is Hestia, the goddess of the hearth and home. She gave up her seat on the Olympian council to make room for Dionysus, and is considered one of the Twelve Olympians.
No, but you can read a bit of the first chapter at http://search.barnesandnoble.com/The-Last-Olympian/Rick-Riordan/e/9781423101475#EXC