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About 20 powers super strength,super hearing,speed,can go to space,flight, can make a earthquake,can make planets from outer space fall to earth like the sun,can resurrect, can hold guns or anything that has fire or contain fire,can crack someone's neck and they die,x-ray vision,can sense people like in the cartoon and when he sense someone the person loses all their powers and dies,can Carrie things 1,000,000 times his weight or size,can make something colaps, and can have blow breath,freeze breath, and 2 lazer beams solid and telescopic beams, and even more powers

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Definitely! Superman - he has real superpowers that greatly overpower web and spider instincts.

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The worlds best superhero is Batman because even thogho he doesnt have superpowers he still is smart and can even defear superman

Can Superman live forever?

On his old planet and old sun he was under he was human. but since he is now super human and under another sun his life will be prolonged and increased just like his superpowers. human 80years old = SUPERMAN 700

If you eat your vegetables will you turn into Superman?

Eating vegetables is important for your health, but it will not give you superpowers like Superman. Superman is a fictional character from comic books and movies. Eating a balanced diet with vegetables can help you stay healthy and strong, but it won't give you any special abilities.

Is Batman able to die?

Of course he can- he is an ordinary human being who ages and will eventually be too old for fighting. Unlike Superman, Batman is vulnerable and has no superpowers. He can get shot, stabbed, poisoned, and electrocuted.

Who would win a fight Batman or Superman?

"The fight has already taken place, at the end of "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" Batman uses a cloud of green Kryptonite gas to rob Superman of his powers, and had no trouble beating him up. Superman can win a fight... but Batman can plan a battle. There's a difference. Superman has called Batman the "most dangerous man alive". "This post illustriates how batman can beat most versions of superman without prep."Superman because because lets face it batman as no superpowers and superman can fly.Beside the fight would go like this-batman would throw something at him then superman will say IM a loser."While this one illustiates how superman can beat batman if he has no prep.

Who is the bigger superhero batman or Superman?

It depends, batman and superman are enemies! they dont like each other. so it depends on the fight, sometimes superman wins and sometimes batman wins. now this doesnt mean that they're bad superheros, they are still good, but they just compete with each other.