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Arnold Schwarzenegger says "Get to the chopper" in the movie "Predator" and not "Get in the chopper." In the movie, he says this line once.

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Q: How many times does Arnold Schwarzenegger say get in the chopper?
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Who is Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Arnold Schwarzenegger was a 7-time Mr.Olympia bodybuilder, an actor who has stared in many movies, some of which are: The Terminator Trilogy, Kindergarten Cop, Total Recall, Commando, and the Sixth Day. He was the Governor of California. And a Cameo in the Expendables

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How many movies did Arnold Schwarzenegger act in?

He stared in 28 movies so far i luv u guys :) :(:o :0

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Arnold Schwarzenegger has 369 on-screen kills, with his deadliest single movie being 81 kills in Commando. According to sources that I can find, he has killed more people on-screen than any other actor.

How many lines did Arnold Schwarzenegger speak in the first Terminator movie?

His voice is used for 16 lines, totalling 17 sentences.

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