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Q: How many years does max b have?
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How much time did rapper max b get?

He got 75 years

How old is Max B?

Charles Wingate, aka Max B, aka Wavy Crockett, is 39 years old (born May 21, 1978).

How long is max b in jail for?

Max B, also known as Charly Wingate, was initially sentenced to 75 years in prison in 2009 for charges related to armed robbery, kidnapping, and murder conspiracy. However, his sentence was later reduced to 12 years after accepting a plea deal. As of now, Max B is expected to be released from prison in 2026.

Is Max B out of Jail?

No, he's locked up for 35 years at least.

Who is Max B?

Max B is a rap artist.

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I have it! Got it from B&Q about 3 years ago.

Is max b serving 75 years in jail?

Yes, rapper Max B was initially sentenced to 75 years in prison in 2009 for robbery and murder charges. However, his sentence was reduced to 12 years in 2016 after a plea agreement. He is currently incarcerated and is expected to be released in 2025.

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max of 13 years

When was Ford B-Max created?

Ford B-Max was created in 2012.

When was Max B born?

Max B was born on 1978-05-21.

C program to find the largest among three numbers using ternary operator?

max = a > b ? a : b; max = max > c ? max : c;

How do you find the largest and the smallest values among 4 numbers using conditional operators?

int a, b, c, d, max, min; scanf("%d%d%d%d",&a, &b, &c, &d); (a>b)?(max=a,min=b):(max=b,min=a); (c>d)?(a=c,b=d):(a=d,b=c); max=(a>max)?a:max; min=(b<min)?b:min; printf("%d %d\n", max, min);