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Q: How much should you weight to be a model if you're 173 cm?
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What is the weight of an average model and how much should you weigh if you are 5'4'' and want to become a model?

If you are male than weight should be between 50 to 60

How much does a 5 8 model weigh?

There is no exact weight that a 5'2" teen model should be. It varies from person to person but in general the weight range can be between 90-125 lbs.

How much should you weigh if you are a teen model?

About 115-120 should be about right. But you don't have to be a certain weight. Its all about the unique facial features and the correct measurements.

How much is a 1974 Winchester model 94 worth?

youre 1974 Winchester model 94 is worth any were from 200 hundred to 500 dollars depending on condition.

How much should a 5'10 runway model weigh?

about 110 lbs, its grossly underweight for a normal girl, but for runway it is the expected weight

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It varies from model to model and brand to brand. Google the specific model to find out.

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You reaaly need to be more specific guy. Are you reffering to the nominal amount or the weight, and if youre refferimg to the weight are we talkin kilos, ounces, grams. Noob!

How much weight a forklift can lift?

Depends what make and model.

Does a scale model testing for a bridge have a different proportion for weight than size like a 1 inch to 1 foot size model?

My thought is that a scale model is actually reducing in 3 dimensions...hieghtxwidthxlength. When you reduce an object by 1/12 its original dimensions, its weight will be reduced by much more than 1/12. It should be 1/12 of 1/12 of 1/12. To make this a little easier...If we had a model that was only reducing the scale by 1/2 of the height, the weight adjustment would be 1/2. If we made a model that was one half the height and width, we should reduce the weight by 1/4. If we made a model that was 1/2 height, width, length, it stands to reason that the weight should be adjusted to 1/8. 1"=1' scale model should have the weight scale of 1/12x12x12 or 1/1728 To model an adult of 200lbs on a bridge of 1"=1' scale would result in a weight of 1.85oz.

How much weight a Toyota Corolla?

2855 pounds (2014 model)

If you are five feet four inches how much should you weigh if you want to be a model?

5'4" is short to be a model. To be a commercial/print model you should be at least 5'5", unless you have an exceptional look, then an agency may sign you on at 5'4". As far as weight, print models do not have to stick to strict weight requirements like fashion models but the general range is somewhere between 100 - 125 lbs.

What do you when youre friends like twilight but you despise it?

tell them and make sure they know how much you despise it and they should understand