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He's 113.

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Q: How old is Aang in season 4?
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"Sozin's comet part 4 avatar Aang" Aang and Katara kiss at the very end ending the show.

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It's "The boiling rock" and its in two parts, check google

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Sozin's comet:Avatar Aang (part 4)

Is avatar a 12?

Aang starts out 112 years old at the beginning, then I believe mid-season in book 2, he turns 113, and does not have any more birthdays in the series.

Why aren't they making a season 4 for Avatar the Last Air Bender?

I suppose they're out of ideas and don't want to ruin what they've already made with a sub-par series. Since Aang's already mastered the elements and the war is over what is there to write about? Because the series ended in episode 74: Avatar Aang and the Firelord (I think that is the name of the episode) which was in Book (season) 3: Fire. The fourth Book would need to be air, but seeing as Aang is an airbender, why make a season having him travel to learn airbending.

When does Aang finnaly die?

He doesn't. Towards the end of season two when Aang battles with Azula he nearly died, but he doesn't actually die in the tv series at all.