According to a USA Today article from 2000, Diane Gilman is 66 years old.
Diane Youdale is 41 years old (birthdate: February 13, 1970).
Rebecca Gilman's birth name is Rebecca Claire Gilman.
He was 19.
Elisabeth Gilman was born in 1867.
According to a USA Today article from 2000, Diane Gilman is 66 years old.
Diane Gilman died in 1998.
Billy Gilman was 12 years old when his first studio album "One Voice" was released.
Alfred G. Gilman was 74 years old when he died on December 23, 2015 (birthdate: July 1, 1941).*His father was pharmacologist Alfred Z. Gilman (1908-1984).
Diane Amos is 53 years old.
diane barrino is 44 years old
he was 12
Billy Gilman was not adopted. Billy is an American country music artist. As of July 2014, he is 26 years old.
Diane Sawyer is 72 years old (birthdate: December 22, 1945).