John Cornyn is alive.
John Cornyn was born on February 2, 1952.
In the most recent senatorial election, the incumbent Republican John Cornyn was opposed unsuccessfully by Democrat Rick Noriega.
John Dalton was 78 years old when he died.
The founder of Papa John's pizza, John Schnatter is 56 years old (born November 22, 1961).
John Cornyn is alive.
John Cornyn was born at Houston Texas. John Cornyn was born at Houston Texas.
John Cornyn was born on February 2, 1952.
John Cornyn was born on February 2, 1952.
Senator John Cornyn was first elected to the US Senate in 2002. Cornyn was re-elected in November of 2008 with his term expiring in 2016. Cornyn is the current Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee[1].
John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison are the two senators of congress that represent Texas.
In the most recent senatorial election, the incumbent Republican John Cornyn was opposed unsuccessfully by Democrat Rick Noriega.
Sen. Cornyn was elected 9 years after President Clinton enacted NAFTA.
Senator Cornyn opposes any repeal of DOMA.
John Cornyn
6 terms
As of September 2021, the two U.S. Senators from Texas are John Cornyn and Ted Cruz. They represent the state of Texas in the United States Senate, with Cornyn serving as the Senior Senator since 2002 and Cruz serving as the Junior Senator since 2013. Both Senators are members of the Republican Party.