John Vincent Atanasoff died on June 15, 1995 at the age of 91.
He invented the first electro digital computer
John Carter Vincent was born in 1900.
John Vincent Barry was born in 1903.
Evie Vincent is 11 years old! x
John Vincent Atanasoff died on June 15, 1995 at the age of 91.
John Vincent Atanasoff was born on October 4, 1903.
John Vincent Atanasoff was born on October 4, 1903.
John Vincent Atanasoff died on June 15, 1995 at the age of 91.
Dr. John Vincent Atanasoff.
Jhon Vincent Atanasoff was born in the 20th century
John Vincent Atanasoff
John Vincent Atanasoff
Dr. John Vincent Atanasoff
John Vincent Atanasoff was 34 years old when he invented the ABC in an Illinois bar in the winter of 1937-38. Clifford Edward Berry did not become involved until 1939, he was a graduate student "hired" by Atanasoff to help with final circuit design and assembly.
Because he made it