madhuri dixit's breast size is 35 waist is 26
Madhuri Dixit's date of birth is (May 15, 1967).
Madhuri Dixit's dog was named Tuffy.
In the bollywood,there are many dancer.but madhuri dixit is better than ashwarya rai.
Madhuri Dixit's birth name is Madhuri Shankar Dixit.
madhuri dixit's breast size is 35 waist is 26
Antrara Mali was the actress. She portrayed the role of Madhuri Dixit. The movie was Main Madhuri Dixit Banana Chahti Hu.
Madhuri Dixit's date of birth is (May 15, 1967).
Madhuri Dixit's dog was named Tuffy.
Main Madhuri Dixit Banna Chahti Hoon was created on 2003-10-17.
In the bollywood,there are many dancer.but madhuri dixit is better than ashwarya rai.
No, Madhuri Dixit doesn't smoke. Thus, she is still so beauftiful and healthy. she said she doesnt smoke, drink etc in her interviews.
be good be smart