Marcus Lamontagne is 185.42 cm.
Gilles Lamontagne was born on April 17, 1919.
Marcus Lamontagne was born on September 11, 1985, in Kissimmee, Florida, USA.
Alain Lamontagne was born on July 14, 1952, in Verdun, Qubec, Canada.
Too Old
Ray Lamontagne was born on June 18, 1973.
Introducing Ray Lamontagne was created in 2003.
Ray Lamontagne was born on June 18, 1973.
Ray LaMontagne was born on June 18, 1973
Ray LaMontagne was born on June 18, 1973
Trouble - Ray LaMontagne song - was created in 2004.
I believe its Ray LaMontagne singing Jolene!
Trouble - Ray LaMontagne album - was created on 2004-09-14.
A singer and songwriter.
Great episode. The name of the song was "Sarah" and it was by Ray LaMontagne
It is Ray LaMontagne singing the song "Trouble," from his 2004 album of the same name. Travelers is coming out with some great commercials! The new commercial with the cat burglar theme features the song "Be Ok" by Ingrid Michaelson