Rochus Misch was 96 years old when he died on September 5, 2013 (birthdate: July 29, 1917).
Rochus Westbroek was born in 1971.
Georg Misch died in 1965.
Olivier Rochus was born on January 18, 1981.
Laura Misch Owens is 5' 5".
Martin von Haselberg's birth name is Martin Rochus Sebastian von Haselberg.
Rochus Misch was born on July 29, 1917.
Rochus Misch was born on July 29, 1917.
Rochus Misch died on September 5, 2013, in Berlin, Germany.
The cast of Empolemi zoni - 2003 includes: Sotiris Danezis as himself Rochus Misch as himself
Olivier Rochus is 30 years old (birthdate: January 18, 1981).
I do not believe he could have been back to the bunker. Misch was held by the Russians until 1955, along with thousands of other German POWs. The release of these prisoners became possible only after the death of Stalin in 1953. Meanwhile the bunker had been seriously damaged in attempts by the Russians to destroy it, and later was more thoroughly destroyed by the Russians.
Rochus Westbroek was born in 1971.
Georg Misch died in 1965.
Dean Misch is 5' 7".
Rochus Hahn goes by Robi.
Olivier Rochus was born on January 18, 1981.
Rochus Lussi was born on 1965-08-05.