Josh Donaldson is 32 years old (birthdate December 8, 1985).
Ian Stuart Donaldson died on September 24, 1993 at the age of 36.
As of June 2014, Roger Espinoza is 27 years old.
Roger Clemens is 49 years old (birthdate: August 4, 1962).
Roger Black is 45 years old (birthdate: March 31, 1966).
Roger Donaldson was born on November 15, 1945.
Roger Donaldson was born on November 15, 1945.
Josh Donaldson is 32 years old (birthdate December 8, 1985).
Jazz saxophonist Lou Donaldson is 91 years old (birthdate: November 1, 1926).
Sheila Donaldson-Welters has written: 'Letter to Roger Hampson thanking him for the information re: the SRHE conference to be held at Birmingham Polytechnic'
Walter Donaldson was born on February 15, 1893 and died on July 15, 1947. Walter Donaldson would have been 54 years old at the time of death or 122 years old today.
Former SEC chairman William H. Donaldson is 86 years old (birthdate: June 2, 1931).
Walter Donaldson died on July 15, 1947 at the age of 54.
Ian Stuart Donaldson was born on August 11, 1957 and died on September 24, 1993. Ian Stuart Donaldson would have been 36 years old at the time of death or 57 years old today.
63 years old.
Ian Stuart Donaldson died on September 24, 1993 at the age of 36.
well, that is a werid question because she is a fictional character, her real name is Emily Osment.